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How to Start (and Complete) a Research Paper

TIP Sheet

你是一个重新入学的学生,你已经14年没有写过一篇论文了. 你靠自己的魅力和美貌顺利度过了高中却从来没写过一篇研究论文. You have written research papers, but every time is like the first time, and the first time was like a root canal. How do you start? 下面是开始和完成一篇研究论文的一步一步的方法.

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Read and keep records.
  3. Form a thesis.
  4. Create a mind map or outline.
  5. Read again.
  6. Rethink your thesis.
  7. Draft the body.
  8. Revise.
  9. Add the beginning and end.
  10. Proofread and edit.


在你开始写论文之前,你可以从头到尾阅读这个提示表, or skip to the steps that are causing you the most grief.

1. Choosing a topic: Interest, information, and focus
Your job will be more pleasant, 如果你选择一个你感兴趣的话题,你会更容易记住信息. 即使是一个一般性的题目(“写关于转基因作物对世界粮食供应的影响”), as much as possible find an approach that suits your interests. Your topic should be one on which you can find adequate information; you might need to do some preliminary research to determine this. Go to the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature in the reference section of the library, or to an electronic database such as Proquest or Wilson Web, and search for your topic. 十大网赌正规平台图书馆的参考馆员非常乐意在你研究的这个(或任何)阶段帮助你. Scan the results to see how much information has been published. Then, narrow your topic to manageable size:

Too Broad: Childhood diseases Too Broad: Eating disorders
Focused: Juvenile Diabetes Focused: Anorexia Nervosa

一旦你确定了一个主题,并确定有足够的信息可用, you are ready to proceed. At this point, however, if you are having difficulty finding adequate quality information, stop wasting your time; find another topic.

2. Preliminary reading & recordkeeping
收集一些索引卡或一个小笔记本,并在阅读时随身携带. 首先阅读一篇关于你的主题的文章,比如百科全书. On an index card or in the notebook, record the author, article and/or book title, and all publication information in the correct format (MLA or APA, for example) specified by your instructor. (如果您需要了解各种类型的来源需要哪些出版信息, see a writing guide such as SF Writer.) On the index cards or in your notebook, write down information you want to use from each identified source, including page numbers. Use quotation marks on anything you copy exactly, so you can distinguish later between exact quotes and paraphrasing. (You will still attribute information you have quoted or paraphrased.)

Some students use a particular index card method throughout the process of researching and writing that allows them great flexibility in organizing and re-organizing as well as in keeping track of sources; others color-code or otherwise identify groups of facts. 在以后的论文起草过程中,可以使用任何对你有用的方法,但一定要使用
start with good recordkeeping.

3. Organizing: Mind map or outline
根据你的初步阅读,画出一个工作思维导图或大纲. 包括任何重要的,有趣的,或挑衅的观点,包括你自己对这个话题的看法. 思维导图不是线性的,甚至可能包含你想要找到答案的问题. Use the method that works best for you. The object is simply to group ideas in logically related groups. You may revise this mind map or outline at any time; it is much easier to reorganize a paper by crossing out or adding sections to a mind map or outline than it is to laboriously start over with the writing itself.

4. Formulating a thesis: Focus and craftsmanship
Write a well defined, focused, three- to five-point thesis statement, but be prepared to revise it later if necessary. Take your time crafting this statement into one or two sentences, for it will control the direction and development of your entire paper.

For more on developing thesis statements, 参见技巧表“撰写论文和支持论点”和“如何组织文章”."

5. Researching: Facts and examples
Now begin your heavy-duty research. Try the internet, electronic databases, reference books, newspaper articles, and books for a balance of sources. For each source, 在索引卡(或笔记本的另一页)上写下你需要的作品引用(MLA)或参考书目(APA)页面的出版信息. Write important points, details, and examples, always distinguishing between direct quotes and paraphrasing. As you read, remember that an expert opinion is more valid than a general opinion, and for some topics (in science and history, for example), more recent research may be more valuable than older research. Avoid relying too heavily on internet sources, 它们在质量和权威方面差异很大,有时甚至在你完成论文之前就消失了.

Never 从互联网上直接复制粘贴到你论文的任何实际草稿中. For more information on plagiarism, 从十大网赌正规平台学生服务办公室获得一份学院关于抄袭的政策, or attend the Critical Skills Plagiarism Workshop given each semester.

6. Rethinking: Matching mind map and thesis
After you have read deeply and gathered plenty of information, 通过添加信息来扩展或修改你的思维导图或大纲, explanations, and examples. 目标是平衡发展你的每个主要观点(他们应该在你的论文陈述中详细说明). 如果需要均匀地展开这些点,则返回库以获取额外信息, 或者修改你的论文陈述,以更好地反映你所学到的或你的论文似乎采取的方向.

7. Drafting: Beginning in the middle
Write the body of the paper, 从主题陈述开始,现在省略引言(除非你已经确切地知道如何开始), but few writers do). 使用支持细节来逻辑地、系统地验证你的论文陈述. For now, omit the conclusion also.

For more on systematically developing a thesis statement, 参见技巧手册“撰写论文和支持论点”和“如何组织文章”."

8. Revising: Organization and attribution
Read, revise, 确保你的观点组织清晰,并支持你的主题陈述. 每一段都应该有一个主题,这个主题来自于论文的陈述. 如果有任何段落不符合,把它去掉,或者如果你认为有必要修改你的论文. Check that you have quoted and paraphrased accurately, 并且你已经承认了你的来源,即使是你的释义. 每一个想法,如果不是你个人的顿悟或你自己的系统推理的结果,都应该归功于它的主人.

For more on writing papers that stay on-topic, 参见技巧表“撰写论文和支持论点”和“如何组织文章”." For more on avoiding plagiarism, see the Butte College Student Services brochure, "Academic Honesty at Butte College,或参加每学期的关键技能抄袭研讨会.

9. Writing: Intro, conclusion, and citations
Write the final draft. Add a one-paragraph introduction and a one-paragraph conclusion. 通常,主题句出现在第一句的最后一句或最后两句, introductory paragraph. 确保所有的引用都以正确的格式出现(MLA, APA). 结论不应该简单地重申你的论点,而应该参考它. (关于写结论的更多内容,请参见“如何组织文章”.") Add a Works Cited (for MLA) or Bibliography (for APA) page.

10. Proofreading: Time and objectivity
Time permitting, 从你写完最后一份草稿到你开始做最后的修改,留出几天的时间. 这个“暂停”会让你更有洞察力,更客观,更挑剔. On your final read, check for grammar, punctuation, correct word choice, adequate and smooth transitions, sentence structure, and sentence variety. 有关进一步的校对策略,请参阅TIP Sheet“修改,编辑和校对”."

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