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Double-Entry Reading Journals

TIP Sheet

为了构建知识,我们必须积极地与原材料、事实互动和操纵. 复式阅读日记是我们与所读内容互动的一种方式, increase critical thinking skills, and create a meaningful construction–namely, a better understanding of what we read.

要创建复式阅读日志,将一页纸分成垂直的两栏. In the left-hand column, write notes, quotes, lists, descriptions, 或者从书中摘录一些让你印象深刻的内容, puzzling, odd, or significant. 在右边一栏,写下你的反应. 反应可能包括评论、反对、感受、想法,甚至是插图或涂鸦.

关于小说或诗歌作品的复式日志可以是理解文学所需的反思过程的一部分. 你可以创建一个词汇学习指南,包括在阅读中发现的新词汇的复式日志, 以及如何使用它们的定义和示例. 从课本上抄下来的记事日记可以成为学习指南, 对于那些不能忍受在书上做标记的学生来说,这是一个很好的解决方案.

Double-entry journals for literature
In literature, 复式日志帮助读者将文章的段落与他或她自己的经历联系起来. The journals can prompt and enrich classroom discussion; if you are being graded on participation in discussions, keep up your double-entry journal, and keep it handy! 你也可以“挖掘”你的日记,为文章和论文寻找灵感, 一个额外的好处是,你已经开始用故事中的引文来支持你的观点了. 下面的例子来自《全国十大赌博官网》的复式记帐. At any natural pause in the reading, 读者从左边的书中抄下段落, and records personal reactions on the right:

Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
"What you doin' with this gun?"
我判断他对自己所做的事一无所知, so I says: "Somebody tried to get in, so I was laying for him."
"Why didn't you roust me out?"
"Well, I tried to, but I couldn't; I couldn't budge you."-Ch 7
Huck is "covering" for pap. Many abuse victims cover for their abusers. 相互依赖的酗酒者家庭试图弥补酗酒者的空缺,并在雇主面前为他们找借口, etc. But most (?)虐待的受害者倾向于留下来容忍已知的邪恶,而不是逃避未知的邪恶.
So why does Huck decide to run away? Why is he different?
"there was Jackson's Island, standing up out of the middle of the river, big and dark and solid, like a steamboat without any lights"-Ch 7 Simile-like
Metaphor-"the fog comes on little cat feet."
地面上有一些斑驳的地方,阳光透过树叶照了下来, 有雀斑的地方稍微交换了一下, showing there was a little breeze up there."-Ch 8 Like camping in July-so beautiful

读者对文章的反应有三种. First, 她将文本与她周围的世界联系起来(观察哈克与现代家庭虐待受害者之间的异同)。. 她将文本与她读过的其他东西联系起来(卡尔·桑德伯格的《全国十大赌博官网》). 她将文本与她自己和她的个人经历(七月露营的记忆)联系起来。.

这位读者以后可能会决定写一篇关于《全国十大赌博官网》中家庭暴力问题的论文, or on Twain's use of figurative language, 而且她已经有了一些例子和证据来支持她的论点.

Double-entry journals for vocabulary

他无法想象莱斯利在追一个男孩,就像他无法想象莱斯利太太在追一个男孩一样. 双下巴迈尔斯在旗杆上闪闪发光." P. 43
Let's shinny up that tree.
后来她会说莱斯利的衣服“俗气”. Leslie always wore pants, even to school." P. 45
Tacky=shabby, lacking style
Those are tacky shoes.
“他们三个人会在操场上闲逛, grabbing up hopscotch rocks, running through jump ropes, and laughing while second graders screamed." P. 48
The kids were playing hopscotch at recess.

This student recorded the unfamiliar word, the page number, and the sentence he found it in on the left. He then looked up the word in the dictionary, recorded a definition on the right, and used the word in a sentence of his own.

Double-entry journals for textbook notes
使用复式日记本根据教科书做笔记, 尤其是当你对在书上做标记感到不安的时候. 与材料的身体互动有助于你在阅读时集中精神, 你会发现复习笔记是比重读课文更有效的学习方法.

Math notes
Circles p. 509


Pi=ratio of circumference to diameter=3.14
Radius=center to edge
Diameter=edge to edge
Circumference=distance around=π x d
Area=π r2





π r2
3D figures p. 517


Coplanar=points & lines in same plane (intersect or parallel)
Net=flattened polyhedron
共面=像墙和地板相交的平面, 或者像桌面上的相交或平行线


Skew=like ? Completely unrelated lines, points
Net = like origami

Double-entry journals for research
如果你不使用笔记卡的研究论文, 在项目开始时创建的复式日记账可能包含许多笔记, references, and citations you need, as well as your own reflections, ideas, and reactions, 如果你不及时记录,你可能会忘记的事情.

Stem cell research paper
International Society for Stem Cell Research. Sep. 17, 2004 “干细胞可塑性”=成体干细胞比以前认为的更具可塑性. May even be pluripotent?
Do No Harm. Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics. 目前成功的治疗方法都是使用成体干细胞. 目前还没有使用胚胎细胞的成功疗法?!
Swensen, Jean. “胚胎干细胞帮助专利,而不是病人." St. Paul Pioneer Press. Jan. 3. 2006.
多能性的危险:多能性生长是“不稳定和不可预测的”.“如果公共资金被用于私人研究,而对过程或结果没有问责制,就可能出现腐败. Author is quadriplegic!


这个学生已经记录了她以后需要的作品引用页的基本信息, 至少足够让她可以很容易地追溯自己的足迹,找到丢失的信息.

你可以看到复式阅读日志是一个简单而灵活的工具. 它可以节省你的时间和精力,并成为更好的事情的开始:更好的理解, better written papers, and better test results.

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