


This information should be in the syllabus or the course orientation module. The syllabus should be in the Syllabus Tool within Canvas. The course orientation can be a stand-alone module or an ordered collection of 页面s in the first course module.


A. 课程基础知识

  1. 材料来自 官方课程大纲.

    1. 课程描述

    2. 单位数量 & 转移状态

    3. 学生学习成果(slo)

    4. Everything here must match exactly, so copy and paste from the 官方课程大纲.

  2. 连结至 学生学术政策 & 程序 页面.  

    1. This 页面 will be updated by the college; so be sure to link to the 页面 rather than copy the information.

    2. Do not use old links, pdfs, or any other source for this information.

  3. 链接到 学生服务.

  4. The amount of time students can be expected to spend on the class.  每学期每单元学习51学时. Do NOT designate “in class” or “out of class” as these don’t relate to online classes. 例如: a 3 unit class is a total of 153 hours per semester. 这是一个17周的学期,每周9小时.

  5. Identify course requirements such as textbooks, software, access codes, calculators, etc.

    1. If students need to record video or you are using proctorio, 一定要包括一个网络摄像头作为要求.

    2. Include links to digital textbooks and/or information on how students can purchase the textbook

  6. 因为有些学生可能来自外地

    1. For course times - use AM and PM; and list times as PT (Pacific Time).

    2. 使用区号和电话号码

  7. 让学生知道他们已经做到了 免费使用全套Office应用程序 to use on personally owned technology through their association with 十大网赌正规平台.


B. 导师信息 & 学生可以从哪里获得帮助

  1. 介绍你自己.

  2. 学生应该如何联系你?

    1. Canvas 收件箱 是最好的选择.

    2. You can also list you Butte email account as a secondary source

    3. Do NOT use external email accounts; these create FERPA and Accreditation issues.

    4. 如果你有其他的交流方式,比如Q&一个论坛在画布或电话,列出那些也

    5. 如果你有办公时间,列出时间和地点

  3. When can students expect to hear back from you when they message you?

    1. 要具体. 例如: I will respond to emails within 24 hours during the week and 48 hours on the weekend.

    2. Balance what is reasonable for your workload with an understanding that students may be working on assignments at different times.

  4. 你将如何与同学接触?  你会发送公告还是全班邮件?  你还会如何开始与学生接触? If you are using the announcement tool, encourage students to set up 帆布的通知 所以他们会收到你的通知.

  5. Department contact information (in case you are unavailable). Include the name of the department; name of contact; office number; phone number, with area code; email address.

  6. If there are other places that students can go to get help, please list those as well. 例如:辅导中心、电脑室等. You may also want to encourage students to use the NetTutor feature built into our Canvas courses.

  7. Let students know about the resources found in the “Help” icon in the Canvas Navigation.


C. 分级、参与 & 规则

  1. Outline due dates and how the assignments in the course are organized.

    1. Canvas lists all the due dates at the bottom of the syllabus.  确保这些都是准确的. 但是,这还不够. 也 provide students a broad view of the “rhythm” of the course.  例如: assignments are due every Wednesday, and a quiz is due every Sunday. 或者:每周二都要交作业, 每周五的讨论, 每隔一周做一次测试.

    2. Avoid having things due at 12 PM or 12 AM as these can be confusing.  改为晚上11点59分.

  2. 定义学生的评分方式.  

    1. Describe the types of assessments and how much each is worth.

    2. List the grading scale and points needed for each grade.

    3. 也 explain how students will be graded on assignments.  If you use rubrics in Canvas, let students know that this information is available to them.

    4. Remember that what you have in writing is the ONLY THING students will see (you can’t explain nuances in person).  

  3. 参与和退学政策

    1. Students that don’t participate need to be dropped; and you have to define what “non-participation” means. 例如, you could state that participation is defined as turning in at least one assessment and 1 quiz per week. Students that don’t submit any assessments or the quiz will be dropped.  参与不应该只是一个测验. It’s too easy for a student to just randomly click through the quiz and therefore remain in the class.

    2. 也, participation cannot be based on grades (so you can’t say that students must earn a “C” to stay in the class). This policy prevents students from being enrolled in a class that they are not attending. But there should be some flexibility in case students have an emergency or miss some work. The question to answer is - what is the MINIMUM work a student can do and still be counted as part of the class?

    3. Here's an example of verbiage you could use: "Federal law requires active participation if a student is to continue to receive financial aid. I define active participation as the timely submission of at least one graded assignment per week. Students who miss the requirement two weeks in a row, without instructor consent, may be dropped."

  4. Identify what constitutes participation during the first week. Students who don't meet this requirement shoudl be dropped as no-shows. 第一周政策可能包括以下内容:

    1. Completing all off the assignments in the first module

    2. Participation requires you to respond to any messages sent by the instructor within (timeframe)

  5. 作业评分需要多长时间?  学生如何得到作业的反馈?

  6. Explain late work, extra credit, and make-up work policy.

  7. 为课程定义任何规则.

    1. Netiquette rules and appropriate language for discussions - this is especially important if students are discussing sensitive or controversial topics.

    2. Communication rules to you and other students, such as the appropriate use of slang and text-speak.

    3. 关于什么是作弊或抄袭的规则.


十大网赌正规平台 | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
