

国际学生服务办公室的目的是增加, 以稳定和可持续的方式, the number of international students enrolled at Butte College and to provide services and support to promote their academic success and personal growth.  


In order to meet our goal of increasing the number of international students on our campus each year, 在国外积极全国十大赌博官网是十大网赌正规平台义不容辞的责任.  在我们无法访问的国家, Butte使用网络营销, 虚拟招聘, 以及其他营销手段来吸引未来的学生.  The other major activity of the department is to provide international students with special services such as help with housing, 特殊全国十大赌博官网帮助, orientation designed for new international students and specialized academic and immigration advising.






The international student program supports the Vission for Success in the following ways:

1. 连接 & Entry - the program requires students to complete a comprehensive Canvas course to all new international students as part of new student orientation. 本课程为学生提供学校/学术政策的基础知识, 程序, 词汇表, 和naviagation. Additionally students are required to attend an individual counseling appointment to discuss goals, 项目和课程. Finally students are required to attend two connection activity days lead by student ambassadors to welcome them to the campus community and help them connect with eachother. 

2. Progress & Completion - the program follows a cohort model and requires that students meet with their counselors at least once a semester.   Students on probation or not meeting unit requirements are communicated with and encouraged to meet with the program coordinator and counselors. The number of students that complete their educational goal of an AA or AAT is close to 100%. 该计划的学生转学率显著增加了学院的总人数. 学生转学到加州大学的比例很高.

3. Progress & Completion Outcome-CTE - The program has a very small population of students that participate in the campus CTE programs.  然而,那些完成100%. International students also have the option of applying for post graduation work experience (Optional Practical Training) and all those that apply are approved. 





1. Implementing AB705 - new students meet with a counselor individually to best place them into the best course for English & 数学

2. 所有学生都使用霍布森海星与他们的辅导员.

3. 而国际学生不直接列在我们的公平计划, there is much overlap in the work that the Equity program does and the international program. 

4. 国际项目继续积极招收和增加学生入学率.

5. Using a cohort model all international students are supported throughout their academic journey. 

6. Student events and campus wide activities (International Education Week) and workshops help to educate the campus on the international program and its students. 

7. 该程序跟踪和监控其所有数据

8. 专业发展机会提供给项目人员. 整个学期还通过Flex研讨会向校园提供培训. 


  1. 继续与韩国和中国的英语学校建立合作关系. 这项工作仍在进行中.
  2. Create a focus group of international and domestic students to determine ways to implement “friendship program” with same-age students. 这项工作仍在进行中.


Continue to grow the international student program in student numbers and diversity of countries. 这包括增加招聘工作和国际伙伴关系. 同时,维护和扩大对在校学生的服务.




Diversifying international student enrollment requires diversifying marketing and recruitment models/modes. To enable the Butte College program to do this we must invest in new strategies (web based, 扩展到新的国家, contract with lead generators) The increase in marketing and recruitment also allows the program to grow its number of educational oversea partners and alumni network so as to sustain program growth.


  • 加强公平包容的文化


The International Program budget supports the salaries of its full time employees and percentages of supporting positions. 工资和福利占支出的95%. The constant increase in benefits and salary step increases ultimately decreases our operating budget which limits the amount of recruitment and outreach that can take place each year. Without an increase in student enrollment the recruitment budget will continue to decrease.




 1. 国际学生服务中心的所在地.e. 全国十大赌博官网, 咨询, 项目协调人, 学生活动/工作坊-办公空间和公共会议区


International Program Budget - $264K (50% of Paid Non-Resident Fees for F-1 visa students)


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 国际项目 人员 11.000.700.1.649004 52120 $30,000.00 $0.00
兼职/临时职位-特殊项目文员 The international program will not be able to increase student enrollment without additional staff support. The temporary position of Special Program Clerk will create capacity for the program coordinator to build more recruitment opportunities, 合作伙伴关系和提高当前学生的参与度/保留率. 这将导致学生入学人数的增加. At the current student program numbers a position can not be funded from the limited self funded programming budget. A temporary position could help enrollment return to a level where the international program could again self-sustain a full time 全国十大赌博官网 & 招聘职位. 没有这个支撑位置, 该计划将缺乏资源和带宽来增加学生入学率.
  • 解决以学生为中心的资助公式(全国十大赌博官网增长)的所有领域, 学生需要和学生成功)
  • 解决公平、多元化和包容方面的不足
  • 实施学院的战略方向优先事项
  • 满足加州社区大学成功目标的愿景
  • 支持改善学生的学习成果
  • 完成全国十大赌博官网目标
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
  • 培育包容文化
  • 改进过程:a. Data and Reporting; b. 内部沟通
2 国际项目 营业费用 11.000.700.1.649004 55201 $25,000.00 $0.00
招收国际学生 Our program is currently feeling the effects from the political impacts of the past administration and the COVID pandemic. Our decline in enrollment has drastically effected our program�s ability to actively recruit and do student outreach in the 2021/2022 year as 95% of our budget will be used for staff salaries. Without sustained recruitment practices and creativity we will be unable to maintain and grow our program numbers. 我们必须继续开拓新市场, 并增加我们的虚拟存在,以吸引国际学生到我们的校园. 这笔资金将如何使用的例子: � 创建视频 & 社交媒体营销活动——7000美元 � 参加大型的虚拟招聘活动——每场活动1200 - 3500美元 � 继续学生大使(Unibuddy)外展活动 & 面向未来学生的实时聊天——7000美元 � 参加专业的社交活动,与国际高中代表建立联系 & 教育中介——2000美元 没有这笔资金,该项目将继续为招聘提供战略性资金 & 规模较小的营销.
  • 解决方案审查建议
  • 完成全国十大赌博官网目标
  • 培育包容文化
  • 改进过程:a. Data and Reporting; b. 内部沟通
3 国际项目 人员 11.000.700.1.649004 52368 $10,000.00 $0.00
学生助理 这一要求将包括每周大约20小时的学生助理时间. 学生是我们最好的招聘人员. 现在的学生支持这个项目是非常宝贵的. It provides them with work experience opportunities, and professional and leadership development. The students support the program by being mentors to current students to increase retention, 他们为未来的学生提供了机会, 创建社交媒体和营销材料, 能组织学生活动, 等. Without this funding the program will not be able to support student assistants for program support and will have minimal funding for student orientation leaders.
  • 培育包容文化
  • 改进过程:a. Data and Reporting; b. 内部沟通
  • 完成全国十大赌博官网目标
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)