2022-23 Unit Plan
Special Education Training

Mission Statement

The Special Education Training Program prepares students to provide vocational education to adults with disabilities in community-based environments.   

Program Description

Instructional Service Agreements require on-site instructors who meet the minimum state qualifications for providing vocational instructor to adults with disabilities. In order to meet the minimum qualifications a staff member working in the community-based agency must either hold a degree or a Certificate of Training and 2 years of experience working with adults with disabilities and 4 years of occupational experience. Many agency staff meet the years of experience but not the degree or certificate qualification. This program is the first in the state to satisfy the certificate requirement. Students learn about the regulations concerning Special Education and adults with disabilities, agency regulations,  strategies for teaching students with disabilities, and participate in a practicum to apply their skills.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

The SPED students mainly were students from our agency programs that the agencies sent to get certified. Because the agencies were not able to fully open through the COVID crisis, many staff were let go. The agencies have reorganized and have changed their services models which impacted the SPED classes. 

We had scheduled an online class, but had to cancel because the instructor needed to complete the DE training. He is currently completing the DE Training and hopes to begin instruction possibly this coming summer.


Because of these issues there is not any SLO information to report.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

1. The SPED Department is searching for additional SPED associate instructors.

2. There are still four students who need to finish their certifications, so we are hoping to provide instruction of the first two classes this summer and the third class in Fall 2022.

Strategic Direction

1. The SPED Department will be advertizing with local agencies and venues for student


2. A collaboration between the instructor and SPED Coordinator will occur to discuss proper SLO

    assessment and areas of need 

Program Review

This program is new and has not had a program review.

Department Goals

1. Restarting the program to train more Instructional Service Agreement Instructors

2. Advertizing with various local agencies and venues to bolster student participation and train a

    future workforce

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Start classes again

Because the agencies are closed due to COVID 19, students cannot complete their hands-on instruction working with students. Classes will begin ASAP when the College and the agencies reopen.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Students need to complete their certification.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: Yes
Supports PLOs: Yes
Supports ILO - Think Critically: Yes
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: Yes
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: Yes
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: Yes

Strategy 2 - Increase Enrollments

1. Advertizing within the agencies, employment office, and high schools.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

The agencies need a larger pool of individuals to select from to employ as staff. The first and only semester of classes had only 9 students. More students need to be recruited.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: Yes
Supports PLOs: Yes
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: Yes
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: Yes
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

