2018-19 Unit Plan
Graphic Design

Mission Statement

Comprised of a dynamic grouping of disciplines—graphic arts, interactive design, digital arts and illustration, animation, 3D设计和数字视频-平面设计系为学生提供进入竞争激烈的行业所需的技术培训和设计技能. Committed to empowering students, our program provides a multidisciplinary design education, prepares students to be future designers, 并加强与专业和大学社区的联系.

Program Description

十大网赌正规平台平面设计课程的目标是为学生在设计行业的入门级职位做准备. 成功完成课程并计划获得四年制学位的学生将为他们选择的设计学院的申请打下坚实的基础.

美国劳工统计局表示,“多媒体设计师的就业”预计将增长8%, as fast as average for similar occupations from 2016 to 2026, 但这并没有考虑到设计专业的学生学习的不仅仅是基本的平面设计, 并且更符合美国劳工统计局关于Web开发人员的统计数据, UX and UI Designers, where the growth is expected to be close to 20% by 2020.

This past Fall 2017 semester, 英国《全国十大赌博官网》多媒体/平面设计专业的教员对平面设计或多媒体研究专业毕业的37名学生进行了调查, 其中34名学生目前在当地企业的设计岗位上工作, the other students have started their own businesses, 或者你是一名自由设计师,并通过当地的自由设计来养活自己. In Feb of 2018, 多媒体与平面设计专业第三学期的一名女学生, obtained a full-time position with a local industry leader, Build.com. The student's starting wage is $16hr, with full benefits.

随着广告商、出版商和计算机设计公司对设计的需求不断增加. 预计部分增长将源于视频娱乐市场的扩张, including drones, virtual reality, and 3D printing technologies, all of which are being implemented in our MSP department.

Moreover, 随着交互式媒体网站设计项目的需求增加,尤其需要具有网站设计和动画经验的设计师, video games, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, and other technology. 随着广告公司为越来越多的产品和服务制作印刷和网络营销和宣传材料,对平面设计师的需求也将增加.


2017年,该学院申请并获得了50万美元的两年创客空间发展资助. This space is currently in development and will increase FTES, 为跨学科的学生,特别是设计和艺术系的学生提供技能培养.

该项目开设平面设计和多媒体设计8门课程, 并提交了另外6门课程的课程,将在未来两年内增加. 另外还有七个课程是多媒体研究项目的交叉课程. 我们还增加了两个新的无人机管理和无人机视频课程, 以及与我们在艺术大楼的新创客空间保持一致的创客空间课程.


Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

平面设计/MSP项目获得了5.5万美元,开始开发无人机项目. 无人机已经订购,并将开始在设计系的多个课程中使用. 目前有两门无人机课程正在进行课程设置, and will be offered in 2018/2019 school year.

Amount: 55000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

我们购买的无人机将使学生能够培养直接导致设计和多媒体领域就业和创业的技能. 无人机课程还将为学生准备无人机飞行认证,并允许他们在该行业工作.

Accountability Item 2

平面设计/MSP项目获得了强大的劳动力资金,用于购买3D打印机/虚拟现实设备. Multiple 3D printers and VR equipment has been purchased.

Amount: 25000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

我们已经编写了3D打印课程,目前正在通过课程和课程将在2018/19学年提供. 这些设备将帮助学生获得与快速发展的科技行业就业相关的宝贵技能.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

在所有的多媒体课程中都进行了反思,教师们开始对他们的课程中slo的表现进行更简洁和深思熟虑的评论. In many ourses, 学生的各种能力在个别班级中被堆叠起来, 不允许教师轻松地涵盖与特定课程和学生需求相关的内容. In other courses, 教师们计划在项目和课程审查中对学生和slo的需求进行更深入的研究.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)

2012FA 93.62%
2013FA 87.04%
2014FA 77.5%
2015FA 91.23%


Student Success Degrees and Certificates 2012-13     AA/AS 19 2013-14     AA/AS 14 2014-15     AA/AS 4 2015-16     AA/AS 11 2016-17     AA/AS 9


设计和多媒体系正在开发新课程,并采用新技术,以使学生掌握当前劳动力需求的技能, such as using drones, and 3D printing. 无人机课程将允许跨多个学科的学生能够参加MSP课程, and add to skills in their areas of study, such as Agriculutre, Law Enforecement, and GIS.

Strategic Direction

PROGRESS: .2:多媒体和设计课程正在建立一个创客空间,专注于培养与当地产业直接相关的学生技能.

COMPLETION: .创客空间还将吸引学生和教师参与社区活动.

Program Review

1. 雇佣两名新的英国《全国十大赌博官网》教员——尽管我们每年都提交申请,但这个问题一直没有得到解决.

2.  Reinstate the DA&D实验室技术到12个月-这还没有解决,虽然它仍然需要, 虽然我们可以用两年的创客空间拨款让我们的两名技术人员多工作一个月.

3. 在部门内部以及与其他领域的教师合作-我们与传播部门合作,提供与CSUC明确的课程

4. 加大努力,使学生最大限度地完成证书和/或学位——我们正在为学生开发新的途径和课程

5. Promote all DA&D项目——我们正在做社会媒体推广,以及社区和高中的拓展

6. Implement Learning Communities - This has not been addressed

7. Review pages and course descriptions for accuracy, 货币和清晰度-我们正在重新设计我们的课程,并增加新的课程,以回应学生的需求.

8. 验证小组建议明确说明课程顺序, 包括先决条件-我们正在开发宣传材料,如小册子和其他营销材料.

9. ▽开发新的课程和学位=我们已经编写了5门新课程,目前正在课程委员会进行审核

Department Goals

我们的最新目标是利用我们正在创建的创客空间,与社区内的当地工业和企业建立联系. 通过培训和技能,学生将在创客空间中获得, students will be more prepared for industry and employment.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Community Outreach

平面设计和多媒体设计课程将通过建立和保持与当地媒体的联系,努力提高当地高中生和商业领袖的意识, high school design and art teachers, and the local business community. We invite local high school classes to tour our facilities; and we inviting business leaders to join the advisory board and visit our design facilities.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

平面设计和多媒体系继续向高中生进行参观和介绍. We are visiting local high schools to speak to students.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes


我们的学生通过实践设计行业最新的技术来学习. 特定的软件和硬件需要为我们的学生准备一个竞争激烈的行业.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes

Strategy 3 - Need for Full-time faculty

We have lost three full-time faculty from the Digital Art & 在过去的五年里,没有人能替代这些教员.


  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

To maintain the core program, new faculty are needed.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes

Strategy 4 - Increased hours for Design Department Tech

Our Tech is now being used for Theater and Music, as well as Graphic Design, Fashion, Multimedia and Photography.

他还需要额外的时间来维护设备和管理我们项目的实验室. 我们能够将雕塑和MSP技术分别增加一个月,为期两年,基于CCC Makerspace拨款. 这项拨款将于2019年结束,我们需要再次增加工作时间.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes

Strategy 5 - Makerspace Lab

我们正在创建的创客空间将与社区内的当地工业和企业建立联系. 通过培训和技能,学生将在创客空间中获得, students will be more prepared for industry and employment.

Supporting Rationale

学生将为进入工业和商业的多个领域做好更好的准备, 同时也为自己创业做好了更充分的准备.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

None needed

Current Financial Resources



We have received $250,为学生和社区开发一个创客空间.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 MSP/Graphic Design/Photo Equipment 1-000-512-1-061460 56411 $60,000.00 $0.00
Replace 10-year old Cintiq monitors with New Cintiq Monitors Based on research by our computer tech, Ross Pyromski, 我们使用了11年的Wacom Cintiq显示器将在一个学期内无法使用. 由于Wacom和苹果电脑没有更新驱动程序,不再支持平板电脑, students will no longer be able to use the tablets. Labor information: 从2016年到2026年,平面设计师就业的预计变化因行业而异, but overall employment is expected to grow by 8%, the average among all industries. UX, UI, 采用虚拟现实和无人机等新技术的领域正在迅速扩张,公司需要受过专门培训的员工. Median pay is $65,300 per year and $31.40 per hour for basic design skills. UX designers currently make between $80k-$120k a year, and drone operators can make upwards of $75-$100 an hour. Locally, 我们的设计学生在奇科和巴特县的多媒体公司就业, these include companies such as Build.com, 5th Sun clothing, Lulu's, Son Media, and LifeTouch.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Technology Fee
  • Strong Workforce
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
2 平面设计、多媒体研究、摄影、时尚、音乐、戏剧 Personnel 11-000-512-1-061460 11-000-512 $0.00 $4,500.00
Reinstate lab tech to 11 months 我们的实验室技术人员在夏季需要,这样我们就有技术人员在冬季和夏季会议期间管理设备. 还有一些额外的工作需要完成,如果技术人员在这里多待一个月,这些工作就会更容易完成.