2018-19 Unit Plan
Facilities, Planning and Management

Mission Statement

设施规划与管理的目的是创造和维持一个安全的环境, 积极和有吸引力的环境,支持学生和员工的成功. 我们的任务是提高所提供服务的质量,并建立度量标准来验证所达到的水平.

巴特-格伦社区学院区的设施规划和管理(FPM)部门负责建设, maintenance and operation of the physical plant of the District. Divisions include Custodial, Maintenance, Grounds, Printing, Shipping and Receiving, Transportation, Bond Management Program, and the technical and clerical staff to support these functions.

一个组织的愿景可以细分为三个部分:核心价值、目的和使命. 核心价值观是定义我们作为个人和组织的基本信念. These do not change over time. 目标是指明组织前进方向的指路之星. 使命是在实现目标的过程中需要克服的直接挑战.

Program Description

The FPM department consists of eight units: Custodial Services, Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Printing Services, Shipping & Receiving, Mail Services & Asset Management, Student Transportation, Staff Motor Pool,  Bond Management Program, and Facilities Support Services. There are approximately 66 permanent employees in the department.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Maintenance of Creek Crossings

Amount: 5000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes


Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes



• Establish and manage a facilities renewal program.
• Track and analyze the District’s utility usage and costs.
• Create a Creek Maintenance Plan.
• Implement Series A of Bond funds from Measure J.
o Construction Trailer
o Storage Building
• Update Facilities Master Plan
• Draft an instructional protocol for Ag Yard.



Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

设施规划与管理的目的是创造和维持一个安全的环境, 积极和有吸引力的环境,支持学生和员工的成功. 我们的任务是提高所提供服务的质量,并建立度量标准来验证所达到的水平.

巴特-格伦社区学院区的设施规划和管理(FPM)部门负责建设, maintenance and operation of the physical plant of the District. Divisions include Bond Program, Custodial, Maintenance, Grounds, Printing, Shipping and Receiving, Transportation, and the technical and clerical staff to support these functions.

一个组织的愿景可以细分为三个部分:核心价值、目的和使命. 核心价值观是定义我们作为个人和组织的基本信念. These do not change over time. 目标是指明组织前进方向的指路之星. 使命是在实现目标的过程中需要克服的直接挑战.


Strategic Direction

设施规划和管理通过确保建筑物的维护来支持所有的战略方向和优先事项, 校园是安全的,在需要新建和翻新设施的地方进行了适当的规划和研究.


Program Review


• Establish and manage a facilities renewal program. Ongoing.
识别安全隐患并开发项目以解决不安全状况. Ongoing.
协助教学和学生服务部门发展他们的项目. Ongoing.
确保所有区域设施和车辆符合相关规定. Ongoing.
• Track and analyze the District’s utility usage and costs. Ongoing.
• Establish a Bond Management Program. Completed.
• Employ project managers for the Bond projects.  Completed.
• Finalize CEQA of the Facilities Master Plan. Completed.
•评估工作类别以确保符合地区的需要和要求. Ongoing.
•评估2016年无障碍调查并制定纠正性维护计划. Ongoing.


Department Goals


Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Facilities Renewal Program

Establish and manage a facilities renewal program.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

这些建筑物是该区最有价值的实物资产,目前的重置价值约为3.55亿美元. 此外,公共设施、景观和硬景观也是该区的宝贵资产. 所有这些资产都有一个可预测的恶化率,因此, 有系统地更新这些资产的需要,以提供未来地区功能的可用性.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Safety


  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Analyze Program Needs


  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

适当地使用设施可以帮助教学和提供学生服务.   FPM可以提供专业知识,协助各部门提出扩充要求.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 4 - Regulations


  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 5 - Utility Usage

Track and analyze District utility usage and costs.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 6 - Bond Management Program


Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 7 - Accessibility Survey


Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses $0.00 $10,590.00
Increase in Natural Gas Cost 根据天然气的涨价计算,维持我们的公用事业需要10 590美元.
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
2 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 110002101651000 55630/5589 $0.00 $12,412.00
Increase in Waste Water Treatment Plant Services Costs 污水处理厂许可证的年费将增加3,732元. The testing requirements will also increase to 4X per year from twice a year; this will be an increase of $2,800. The required hours for the Level 3 Operator to manage the WWTP and complete all the required reporting has increased from 20 hours per week to 27 hours per week; this is an increase to the contract of $5,880. All the increases listed above equal $12,412. Funds will need to be placed in the following accounts: ($5,880) and ($6,532).
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
3 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses $8,000.00 $0.00
Increase in Fuel Tax Based on increase in fuel tax, 学生交通系统需要8000美元才能继续满足当前的路线结构.
  • Transportation Fee
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • 为在线学生和在校外中心就读的学生提供类似的支持服务
  • 利用数据、研究和协作努力开发并保持适当 项目和途径为基础的课程设置,地点和方式
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
4 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 110002101651000 $23,600.00 $0.00
Add Amplifier Speakers to LRC & FPM Adding speakers to LRC & FPM大楼将协助通知校园这边的校园社区发生紧急情况.
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
5 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 110002101651000 56220 $206,500.00 $0.00
Drudge STP Pond #2 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
6 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $46,117.00 $0.00
Roof repairs for Mechanize Ag Building North Site 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
7 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $46,117.00 $0.00
Roof Repairs for Mechanize Ag Building North Site 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
8 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $39,590.00 $0.00
VFD Surge Protectors - Phase II 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
9 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $21,400.00 $0.00
更换1楼校园中心牛棚地板,以消除绊倒危险 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
10 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $64,200.00 $0.00
Boiler/Chiller Repairs Campus Wide 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
11 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $94,400.00 $0.00
Replace (8) Backup HVAC for Chico Center IDF Rooms 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
12 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $29,500.00 $0.00
Investigate Water Intrusion on 1st floor of Chico Center 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
13 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $94,400.00 $0.00
Replace (7) Package Units for AHPS IDF Rooms 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
14 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $64,200.00 $0.00
Waterless Urinals Change Out in SAS, Arts, SC, CC 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
15 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $35,400.00 $0.00
Repair Doors for BE 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
16 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $76,700.00 $0.00
Replace (7) doors at Gym that are failing 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
17 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $187,250.00 $0.00
Repair AHPS Roof 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
18 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $60,990.00 $0.00
Seal Concrete at Water Tank 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
19 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses 56220 $91,315.00 $0.00
Crack Repair and Overlay to Skid Pad Apron and EVOC Track 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
20 Facilities Planning and Management Operating Expenses $206,500.00 $0.00
Playfield Restroom Replacement 这个项目是我们每年向州政府申请的定期维修资金的一部分. 这些要求是针对与健康和安全有关或防止立即或将来对该区建筑物和财产造成损害的项目.
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing