

机密参议院的目的是提供一个工具,通过该工具,机密工作人员能够充分参与实现学院目标和使命的过程,并为学生提供一个成功的学习环境. It shall be the function of the 分类参议院 to participate in the governance of Butte Glenn Community College on a consultative level; to actively collect, evaluate and disseminate information for the classified staff; and to represent those interests in non-bargaining agent (CSEA) issues before and on governance or college committees. 机密参议院还应通过所有机密工作人员的参与促进专业和个人发展. The body represents the classified staff on professional matters and in the general participatory governance process.  The 分类参议院 President interfaces with the Superintendent/President.  参议院主席和一名机密执行委员会成员在学院理事会和计划与预算委员会任职.


十大网赌正规平台机密参议院代表巴特-格伦社区学院区的所有专业人员参与管理事宜, and assumes the primary role in disseminating information and gathering input on behalf of the Classified Staff. 

参议院与加州社区学院分类参议院(4CS)一起工作,以促进和明确这些角色, 权利, 社区学院分类工作人员参与参与式管理的责任和机会,并为AB 1725最初描述的加州社区学院使命做出贡献.

The Senate does not deal with any matters related to "collective bargaining" or hiring committees. To better explain the differences between 该地区s relationship with the CSEA staff union and the 分类参议院, please refer to the Delineation of Duties as agreed to by the CSEA, 该地区, and the 分类参议院.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)


Strategic Direction






Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Promoting Professional Development for Classified Staff

机密参议院将通过促进机密员工的领导和参与管理来帮助学院实现其倡议, as well as encouraging professional development opportunities through workshops and trainings, most specifically the yearly Classified Leadership Institute conference (CLI).

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Computer 设备

Laptop computer, webcams, and a voice recorder.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

机密参议院需要一台便携式笔记本电脑,可以在每次校园会议上使用,供部长做笔记,制作会议记录和议程. 每位参议员都必须在其他机构委员会任职,并且还可以利用共享的笔记本电脑作为他们参与其他委员会进行研究的一部分, access the college's array of online tools such as the Portal, 网络顾问, 同事, 等. We also have Senators representing areas off campus such as the Chico Center, Skyway中心, and Glenn County Center. 为这些员工提供网络摄像头将允许他们远程开会,并在他们无法离开各自区域时参加主校区的会议.  此外, 每年, 参议员和机密工作人员作为我们地区的代表被派去参加会议,在校外使用电脑将是一个宝贵的资源,可以最大限度地利用培训.  另外, 机密参议院需要一个新的录音设备供部长记录会议,以便回顾并记录会议记录. The recorder that we have used in the past is very old and has recently broken. We would like to upgrade to a recorder that has MP3 capability for more efficient computerized use.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - 4CS Membership

4CS Membership Dues

Supporting Rationale

十大网赌正规平台分类参议院拥有4CS(加州社区学院分类参议院)的“参议院级”成员资格。.  The yearly membership fee is $100.  这一数额是两年前从我们的拨款中削减的,我们在此要求将其恢复为不断增加的拨款.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Current Financial Resources

The 分类参议院's current revenue stream is provided by the district.  其他唯一可用的外部资源是我们自己的募款努力,用于那些需要地区不提供资金的计划.  Funds raised are deposited into the 分类参议院’s Foundation Account and are separate from the district funds. 筹款活动包括图书销售等活动,为学生提供奖学金,并在期末考试周向学生提供答题卡. 我们还在无声拍卖中出售礼品篮,为“Think Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness and Care”筹集善款,并将善款回馈给社区. 

Augmentation Requests

最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 分类参议院 设备 56411 $2,000.00 $0.00
Non-Instructional Computing 设备: Laptop Computer for Senate use with 2 web cameras and a new voice recorder. 机密参议院需要一台便携式笔记本电脑供部长做笔记,制作会议记录和议程. We also have Senators representing areas off campus such as the Chico Center, Skyway中心, and Glenn County Center. 为这些员工提供网络摄像头将使他们能够远程开会并参加主校区的会议. 另外, he 分类参议院 needs a new MP3 voice recorder for the Secretary to record the meetings.
2 分类参议院 营业费用 55300 $0.00 $100.00
4CS Annual Membership Dues 十大网赌正规平台分类参议院拥有4CS(加州社区学院分类参议院)的“参议院级”成员资格。. The yearly membership fee is $100. 这一数额已从我们去年的拨款中削减,我们在此要求将其恢复为一项不断增加的拨款.
3 分类参议院 营业费用 55200 $0.00 $3,000.00
Travel for 3 Additional Staff Members to the CLI Annual Conference Each year Classified Staff travel to the CLI (Classified Leadership Institute) Conference. The current allocation is $3,500 annually for travel. In an effort to encourage professional development of Classified Staff and support the mission of the college, we would like to be able to fund three more participants 每年. Granting an additional $3,000 would pay for three more people to attend at the cost of $525 per person for the registration fee, $290 per person for the three night stay in the hotel, and the cost of travel via mileage reimbursement or other specified travel arrangements. 描述 of the program from the 4CS CLI Webpage: “年度分类领导研究所(CLI)侧重于有效分类参与参与式(共享)治理过程, both state-wide and at the local district and college levels. Participants attending the CLI conference will explore numerous events that encourage personal development, 领导, and strong communication skills, leading toward increased confidence, enhanced professional skills, and broad-based knowledge of our California Community Colleges. 活动包括互动和信息会议,有充足的时间建立网络和讲习班,在支助的环境中利用新获得的技能. CLI is designed to meet the educational needs of today's California Community College Classified Staff.”
4 分类参议院 营业费用 54200 $0.00 $300.00
Printing/Duplicating Costs The Senate operates on its frugal non-instructional supply budget of $250 annually, in addition to relying on donations for events. Additional funding is required to cover the costs of printing supplies such as business cards for Senators, advertisements in the form of posters and flyers for Classified events, and handouts and printed materials for informative meetings.
5 分类参议院 营业费用 55200 $0.00 $6,706.00
Travel for two 4CS Representatives to Annual Special Events/Conferences/Trainings The California Community Colleges 分类参议院 (4CS) has two representatives from Butte College. 目前, one of our representatives also serves as the 4CS Secretary and the other is the 4CS Treasurer. 4CS is a non-profit organization and as funding gets tighter and more limited, 最重要的是,十大网赌正规平台的教职员能够代表我们地区参加4CS特别活动, 学习宝贵的信息,带回并与他们的选民分享,作为我们专业发展努力的一部分. The amount we are seeking in the ongoing augmentation requests is for the Travel, 登记, 餐, and Lodging for the North Quarterly Board Meeting held in September at $539 per person; Travel and registration to the CCLC (California College League of California) Annual Convention in November , 价格是1美元,204 per person; $570 per person for the Quarterly Board Meeting for 分类参议院s in March; and $1,两名4CS代表前往执行委员会于6月举行的机密领导学院会议前及会后会议的费用为每人040美元.