2016-17 Unit Plan
Safe Place and Wellness Program

Mission Statement

The mission of the Safe Place & “健康计划”旨在为性侵受害者提供一个可见的支持系统, intimate partner violence and stalking through outreach, crisis intervention, advocacy, and education programming;that includes Title IX education, for reporting, 学生行为的权利和责任2)实施教师领域的教育和资源开发活动, staff and student training and peer-to-peer mentoring.   3)为学生提供教育培训的机会.e., social work interns from CSU). 

Program Description

The Safe Place & 健康计划为家庭暴力的受害者和幸存者以及盟友提供了一个空间, stalking and sexual assault  seeking services on campus.  所提供的服务包括法庭伴奏, judicial affairs advocacy, law enforcement advocacy, restraining order preparation and filing.  Connecting clients (students) to outside agencies , collaboration with the College's Mental Health Specialist, 代表客户(学生)与教师沟通也是提供的关键服务. 一个积极的同伴教育计划,提供策略来支持和解决我们的学生群体,包括国际学生的独特需求, foster youth, veterans and LGBTQ students, 3)继续利用同伴教育者提供的策略来支持和解决我们的学生群体,包括国际学生的独特需求, foster youth, veterans and LGBTQ students, 4)制定和实施评估程序,包括前后测试,以评估通过社会营销获得的知识, workshops, staff meetings, Institute Day Trainings, off-campus trainings, curriculum and training, peer-to-peer training programs, and suicide prevention.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

31% Admin. Secretary; 69% CalWORKs funded for 100% position - 10 month

Amount: 33328.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

该职位为最需要我们服务的学生提供访问和支持. 因此,我们可以延长开放时间,为更多的学生提供服务. 第九条要求每学期进行多次积极的宣传活动. 该职位负责制作宣传单并协调相关活动.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

由于教育法第九章的调查,我们与外部资源签订合同,在OCR调查的指导下进行全校范围的调查. 我们的SLO将反映调查结果,并将访问以下内容.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)



Safe Place & 健康计划通过直接与亲密伴侣虐待(IPV)的受害者和幸存者合作,支持学院达到学生成绩标准。, sexual assault (SA), and stalking. Our office provides crisis intervention, legal advocating, such as restraining order preparation, court accompaniment, 通过课堂演示和校园广泛活动的教育计划. Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Coming out of the Darkness, mental health stigma reduction. Our office provides Title IX trainings to students, faculty and staff, keeping our campus in federal compliance. The Safe Place & 健康计划通过在危机时期提供所需的支持系统和倡导,帮助学生实现他们的学术目标并在课程中取得成功. 

Strategic Direction

Enhance a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement


Assist with PEER Educator program

Provides support to students in crisis

Supporting Student, faculty and Staff Success

Provides support to students with FAFSA needs

Collaborates with Faculty for campus educational campaigns

Updates all social media events.

Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement   



Maximize Resources to Support Student Learning



Modeling Sustainability

Assist in developing PEER Educator learning experience

为有办公空间的社区机构提供支持. Stonewall Alliance


Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Provides support to our LGBTQ population

Serves on committees

Serves on Mental Health committees in the community  

Program Review


Department Goals

Meeting Title IX compliance through educational programming, student support and best practice policies 


Building a best practice Peer educator program 

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Title IX


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale
  • Required by law.
  • Safety for students.
  • Faculty, Administration and Staff understand reporting laws.
  • Supports success and completion for students.
  • 通过提供一个安全的环境,学生与校园社区联系在一起.
  • Fosters wellness through education and training.
  • Enhances a culture of inclusiveness.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 2 - Supporting space for student use

Provide a safe environment for students (safe space).

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Required by law.

  • Safety for students.
  • 教育实验(作业)为学生促进课程完成和成功.
  • Supports success and completion for students.
  • 通过提供一个安全的环境,学生与校园社区联系在一起.
  • Fosters wellness, retention and student success 
  • Enhances a culture of inclusiveness both off and on campus.
  • An environment for family activities and essential needs (e.g., breastfeeding area, food pantry site).

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 3 - PEER Educators

PEER ( Peer Educators Empowering Roadrunners) Program 

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale
  • 民权办公室(OCR)建议所有的大学校园都采用同伴对同伴的支持 
  • 研究表明,同伴之间的支持可以促进学生的成功和保留率 
  • Supports student success, 基于研究的研究表明,学生的支持感和记忆力之间存在很强的相关性
  • Feeling heard and supported fosters wellbeing 
  • Peers will be trained in domestic violence prevention, 性侵受害者学与自杀干预策略
  • 同伴教育者将为其他同伴提供健康关系101方面的教育

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

CalWorks funding $47,002 (salary/benefits 69%)


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Safe Place & Wellness Program Operating Expenses 110007051649006 5890 $0.00 $7,000.00
PEER Educator program development 研究继续支持校园同伴导师模型的作用. Title IX strongly advocates for Peer to Peer support . Currently there are 9 active mentors in the office. Funding is need to support and expand the program, training materials are need, funding for campus events, such as friends helping friends day, Every Mind Matters(mental health stigma reduction). peer也想开始酒精101教育,需要资金来实施.
  • Student Equity
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Resolving health, life, and safety issues
  • Maintaining core programs and services
2 Safe Place & Wellness Program Operating Expenses 110007051649006 5200 $0.00 $10,000.00
Professional Development training 对项目协调员进行培训,使其与最新法律保持一致,以遵守第九条, 性侵犯和家庭暴力倡导者需要认证,以保持与学生受害者一起工作的特权地位. 必须满足所有新生和归国学生的义务教育, 项目协调员将需要持续的最佳实践培训和认证,以保持符合民权办公室和第九条的规定
  • Resolving health, life, and safety issues
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
3 Safe Place and Wellness Program Operating Expenses 110007051649006 4500/5890 $0.00 $8,000.00
运营费用(教育信息耗材、复制、营销材料) 维持学生急需的办公室的一般运营费用. 我们的办公室目前没有预算,一直依靠基金会的最低捐赠账户来购买办公用品.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Resolving health, life, and safety issues
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标