

设施及支援服务 purpose is to have the expertise and knowledge to be the direct support that allows the entire FPM department to create a positive and safe physical environment that ensures student and staff 成功.


设施及支援服务 consists of 4 FTE staff and provides support for all of the Facilities Planning and Management units to ensure they can provide a positive and safe physical environment for students and staff. 我们的核心职责是: 
1.	为总监及设施规划及管理单位提供技术支援.
2.	Provide support of and guidance for policies and procedures related to FPM functions.
3.	管理所有与FPM相关的预算和合同项目.
4.	维护、管理及执行地区法律 & 与FPM相关的法规要求.
5.	跟踪和更新区域物业和建筑的变化.
6.	Management and reporting of mandated Community College Chancellor’s Office requirements.
7.	分析地区公用事业的使用、费用、需求和未来的储蓄.
8.	支持与FPM职责相关的委员会.


The following are Administrative Unit Outcome for the 设施及支援服务:

The following strategies supports our 未来发展策略 in the unit plan:




The purpose of Facilities Planning and Management is to create and maintain a safe, 积极和有吸引力的环境,支持学生和员工的成功. Our mission is to increase the quality of services provided and establish metrics to verify the level achieved.


Facilities Planning and Management supports all of the 战略方向 and Priorities by ensuring buildings are maintained, the campuses are kept safe and appropriate planning and research is made where new and renovated facilities are needed.


The following are goals from the previous strategic plan and program review and the current status:


设施及支援服务 purpose is to have the expertise and knowledge to be the direct support that allows the entire FPM department to create a positive and safe physical environment that ensures student and staff 成功.


In order to achieve this goal, the department has developed the following strategies:


策略1 -采购设备计划模块

Purchase and implement the Facility Schedule Module of the Active Data Exchange Calendar or a simular software for event scheduling.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


在线表单可以减少混乱 and staff time spent manually processing requests; expediting the approval process.  It will also eliminate the scheduling conflicts due to the class schedule not being incorporated into the facility use schedule.  Our office processes over 400 facility use requests a year and many of those requests are not submitted in a timely manner, causing delays in the processing of the requests and creating more probability for errors to occur when coordinating events. 



策略2 -学生雇员

Use of student assistants to support all the Facilities Planning and Management activities.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


Research has shown that students who are employed on campus have a much higher rate of 成功 in their academic careers.  



提供培训以提高技能水平、生产力和效率. 记录和报告培训.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


Support services are increasingly more complex, 需要更高水平的培训. 文件和报告允许系统地安排所需的培训.





  • 建模的可持续性
  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


In order to be efficient the FPM department needs adequate and current technology.  This department is required to utilize advanced technology type systems to support District needs and the current equipment is reaching its life cycle.  This augumentation will help to purchase new and replace outdated software, and technology equipment. 








最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 设施及支援服务 营业费用 110002101651001 55200 $0.00 $6,000.00
培训 The 设施及支援服务 training budget provides funding for all departments within FPM. This budget is currently funded at $2K per year and needs to be augmented to meets the needs of all of FPM. FPM部门的活动越来越复杂, 需要更高水平的培训.
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
  • 符合国家节水要求
2 设施及支援服务 营业费用 110002101651001 54511 $0.00 $2,000.00
购买GIS软件站点许可证 This site license available through the Foundation will enable both FPM and Instruction to make use of current GIS technology.
  • 教学设备
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Reaching the Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement level on the implementation of Student Learning Outcomes
  • 使用数据, research and collaborative efforts among divisions and departments to develop projections of student demand, 或者提供合适的课程, 位置, 和模式
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
3 设施及支援服务 人员 110002101651001 52368 $0.00 $12,831.00
聘请一名学生助理 This will be for one student to assist in the implementation of the preventive maintenance program within DirectLine. Original and current District building plans have been stored many years and are becoming weathered and difficult to read. By creating a digital version it will preserve the critical information they hold. This will also allow for easy access by staff in the field when searching for information on building systems which will make repairs more efficient.
  • 学生权益
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
4 设施及支援服务 设备 110002101651001 56410 $0.00 $5,000.00
更新技术设备 This department is required to utilize advanced technology type systems to support District needs and the current equipment is reaching its life cycle. This augmentation will help add and replace outdated software, and technology equipment.
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
5 设施及支援服务 营业费用 110002101651001 56411 $50,000.00 $9,580.00
购买附加设备调度模型 在线表单可以减少混乱, 员工时间和手工处理请求,加快审批流程. It will also eliminate the overlapping and scheduling conflicts caused the class schedule not being incorporated into the facility use schedule. 我们每年处理400多个设施使用请求.
  • 教学设备
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 支持以前的程序审查建议
  • 使用数据, research and collaborative efforts among divisions and departments to develop projections of student demand, 或者提供合适的课程, 位置, 和模式
  • 提供有效的电子媒介通信(e).g. 网站、社交媒体、营销材料、wifi接入)